哪种平板打印机适合皮包定制化工业 如今,皮包行业需要印刷许多材料。传统的打印机用来满足这些材料的打印效果。与皮包打印机相比,这些问题得到了解决。在这里我们将讨论它们。皮包打印机的优点! Nowadays, the leather and bag industry needs to print a lot of materials. Traditional printers are used to meet the printing effects of these materials. Compared with bag printer, these problems have been solved. Here we will discuss them. The advantages of a bag printer! 皮包打印机的优点: 1、印刷材料的范围更广,因此一台机器可以用于多种用途。 2、采用进口紫外线油墨,无堵塞,生产更稳定,色彩丰富清晰,以满足市场对高品质和高品质的需求。 3、支持白墨直接打印在深色材料上,成本核算,根据材料原色调整上墨,自动配色等功能,有效减少浪费,节约生产成本。 4、齐全的配套和配件使生产更容易,更适合大规模生产。 5、一键清洗设计功能,维护起来简单快速。 The advantages of bag printer: 1, the range of printing materials is wider, so a machine can be used for a variety of purposes. 2, the use of imported ultraviolet ink, no blockage, more stable production, rich and clear color, to meet the market demand for high quality and high quality. 3. Support white ink printing directly on dark material, cost accounting, adjust ink according to material primary color, automatic color matching and other functions, effectively reduce waste and save production cost. 4, complete accessories and accessories make production easier and more suitable for mass production. 5, one-click cleaning design function, simple and fast to maintain.